Dear Colleagues, The 27th European Congress of Psychiatry, organised by the largest international association of psychiatrists in Europe, will take place between 6 and 9 April 2019 in Warsaw, the capital and largest city of Poland, a significant cultural, political and economic hub, where... View Article
18th International Forum on Mood and Anxiety Disorders (IFMAD) Vienna, from 04 to 06, July 2019. 15% discount on the registration fee
Dear Colegues, lecture notice Prof. Christophera Szaboa could be seen at the following link
The information about the journal Global Psychiatry could be seen at the following link
Dear Colegues, It is my greatest pleasure to invite you to join us at the WPA Co-sponsored 6th Macedonian Psychiatric Congress and International Meeting- ”Psychiatry and Mental Health in 21st Century ” which will take place in Ohrid, Macedonia, from the 31st of October to... View Article
The information about the journal South African Psychiatry could be seen at the following link:
EPA Council of the NPAs Symposium EPA Itinerant Course
Abstracts instructions 16th Abstract form 16th PABH Days Banja Luka 2018 New Deadline Abstracts instructions 16th Days Abstract form 16th PABH Days Banja Luka 2018
The information about the new journal Global Psychiatry could be seen at the following link: